Monday, July 12, 2010

Sounds of an African Dawn

I woke up early this morning to a thousand birds singing near and far, high and low. The foreground featured half a dozen different chirps coming from the backyard. Just beyond them were half a dozen choruses ranging left to right. And back further still was a mat of song with individual sounds barely perceptible.

Some fowl cruising high above added his lonely cry to the roosters waking up. I whispered a prayer for this new day in Africa.

The ceiling fan beat out its rhythm as I pulled back the sheet. The staff of the mission house were already stirring in the kitchen and backyard. It is a leisurely morning. No one seems to be in a hurry. African time is not a commodity to sell but an experience to savor.

This culture has a rich texture full of bright colors and soul music. Yesterday at church the music leader sang a song in their native Twi language, and the congregation responded antiphonally with feeling and power. They were caught up in their music, their worship, and it was inspiring.

The pastor wore a full length robe with a gold and black pattern. His congregation dressed just as brightly.

The pace and pulse of Africa will get you thinking. Maybe rushing through life in grays and khakis is the low road. Heaven might look and sound more like this colorful rhythm.

Today we try to help the "onion boys" with their English and get to know the Songhai in the communities where they are majority population. The onion boys are Songhai who market onions by the side of the road. The Songhai are descendants of a once-dominant tribe that built an extensive empire across West Africa. Now they are displaced and generally impoverished. The expanding Sahara has devoured their traditional livelihood, and the urban centers have not been an easy adaptation.

We met a Songhai youth yesterday who, after years of cultivation in Niger, trusted Christ. He is the only Christian Songhai we know among the thousands who live here.

The coffee is brewing and breakfast is about to be served. Better move on with the morning!


Katie said...

Much more it! I wish I was there too.

Madelyn said...

Beautiful word pictures! We're with you in spirit. Tell Denise & Sim they pop up at random times on my phone reminder so I pray for all of you then, too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this was a as a matter of fact worth post. In theory I' d like to erase like this too - fascinating point and existing effort to forge a huge article... but what can I say... I pause alot and in no nature be clear to wheedle something done.